We know that the chemical formula for Ammonium sulfate is given by N H 4 2 S O 4 So in order to calculate number of atom in a single molecule of Ammonium sulfate we have to follow. So 1 MOLE of ammonium sulphate has 8. Pdf Production Of Ammonium Sulfate Fertilizer Using Acid Spray Wet Scrubbers Experts are tested by Chegg as specialists in their subject area. . This problem has been solved. Rate k a2 b 4. A high-melting decomposes above 280 white solid which is very soluble in water 706 g100 g. As we know that 1 mole of substance always contains number of atoms. So 4 x 2 8 hydrogen ATOMS. The formula for ammonium sulfide is NH42S so you can determine that theres 8 hydrogen atoms per molecule of ammonium sulfide. The chemical formula of ammonium sulfide is NH42SIn each molecule of ammonium sulfide there are 248 hydrogen atomsAnd 1 mol of ammonium sulfide contains. Who are the experts. Rate k a b2. ...